Rainy Day Books

  • A Fun Rainy Day
    Short book I created for a class project... I hope you all enjoy!
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  • A Rainy Day
    Loretta Hen and Farmer Bob face a challenge when it starts raining, but they find a solution and safely get Loretta to her coop.
  • What Can We Do On A Rainy Day?
    A list of activities to do on a rainy day, ending with an open-ended question.
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    Harry spends a rainy day at home, playing games and talking with his parents. He reflects on his family and writes in his diary.
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  • Rainy Day, Sunny Day
    An old lady who cries all the time learns to change her perspective and becomes known as 'the smiling lady'.
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  • Rainy Days
    A child wakes up to a stormy day, facing fears of thunder and rain, but finds joy splashing in puddles with Mommy, discovering the fun in rainy days.
  • Rainy Days
    Two dogs, Kuno and Jax, make the most of a rainy day on Sparkling Lane, despite their differences and their mother's initial disapproval.
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  • The Rainy, Snowy, Sunny Day
    It all starts with a snowy August day. See what happens when two kids experience many seasons in one day!
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