Reasons Books

  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor
    Mysteries and adventures are guaranteed when you have sisters, muffins, and a big spooky house. Book #1 in the series.
    Eye Icon 47845
    Star Icon 1956
  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
    Eye Icon 19764
    Star Icon 866
  • Five reasons to visit…
    My first book contains interesting facts about several places around the world.
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  • The Girl Who Cried Billions of Tears
    We cry for a lot of different reasons. Some cry because they are hurting, some because they are happy. We may cry when we are angry, or when we are sad. This little girl crie…
    Eye Icon 1045
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  • Debeaked
    This story compares growing up on a turkey farm and later being a school principal. It's a good reminder about how we should treat others.
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  • The Pumpkin Pounce
    With a roll and a bounce this wind blown pumpkin takes an unexpected journey.
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  • Stop bullying at my school
    An informational book about bullying, including its definition, types, reasons, consequences, and ways to stop it.
  • abc's of my Favorite
    A book that introduces favorite things from A to Z, providing reasons for each choice. Targeted at second-grade students.
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