Rebellion Books

  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
    The animals on Manor Farm rebel against their human owner, Mr. Jones, and establish their own farm called Animal Farm. However, power struggles and corruption lead to a retur…
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    Alfred Jake has spent most of the past couple years learning online. He’s burned out and really misses his friends. He would give anything to have a little excitement in his…
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  • Irma-Warrior Princess The Untold Story of Hurricane Irma
    Hurricane Irma was a devastating hurricane that destroyed the Virgin Islands in 2017. Through this story, the author uses personification to show the development of hurricane…
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  • Fahrenheit 451
    Montag, a firefighter who burns books in a society where they're illegal, befriends Clarisse, a girl who makes him question his life. After her disappearance, he starts secre…
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    After hosting a few friends for his birthday, Curtis notices that there's still one gift he hasn't opened. The gift turns out to be a virtual personal assistant called ALEXIS…
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  • Among Us 4: Rebellion
    Los militares y el Coronel White sentencian a los tripulantes a morir por casi haber causado una invasión en Mira hq y todo el planeta tierra.
  • Rani Laxmi Bai
    The story of Rani Laxmi Bai, a brave and independent queen who led her people in a rebellion against the British East India Company.
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  • The Tale of the French Revolution
    The story of the French Revolution, from the discontent of the French people to the execution of King Louis XVI and the aftermath.
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