Reception Books

  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Mysteries at the Mapletown Party)
    'Mysteries at the Mapletown Party' is book #3 in the 'Sisters of Muffin Manor' series. Fun and exciting true stories from a Halloween costume party and the strange happenings…
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  • The Butterfly and the Bee in the Garden
    A colorful butterfly and an agile bee teamed up to look for the missing honey. They persisted in their quest against the odds.
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  • ¡GOod reception!
    Hinata joins Kageyama for practice, determined to improve his skills. Through intense training and support, they motivate each other to become better players.
  • The Math of Wedding Planning
    This book explores the role of math in wedding planning, covering topics such as chair arrangements, dance floor sizes, and budgeting.
  • The Circus Adventure!
    The story revolves around two sisters, Olivia and Lydia, who embark on a journey to rescue their stolen horses from a circus. With the help of their friends Issie and Lila, t…
  • The Journey of Titus
    Titus, a young football player, faces challenges from injuries to cancer. With determination and faith, he overcomes them and achieves his dreams.
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  • A Wedding Story
    A description of a wedding reception, including the decor, cake, and events.
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