Reckless Books

  • An Alpha Sigma Nu Original Story
    A story of reckless holiday shopping... and how to prevent it!
    by ASN
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  • Angel with Evia
    Evia, the owner of a cat named Angel, worries about Angel's reckless behavior. Through various incidents, Evia teaches Angel to be safe and they attend pet training classes t…
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  • Driver's Ed For Dummies!
    A teen boy drives recklessly with his friends, gets pulled over by the police, and learns a lesson about responsible driving.
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    Cate Ross is a creative 8 year old girl who loves to paint. After she wins an art contest at her school, Cate finds herself being magically pulled into her painting of New Yo…
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  • Raymond the Reckless Rhino
    Raymond the Reckless Rhino is a destructive but friendly rhino who learns from his mistakes and becomes less destructive with the help of a cap.
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  • Cars and Bikes
    Jason and his family move to Maryland, but encounter car troubles. Tom's reckless driving leads to an accident and arrest. They switch to bikes.
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  • The Reckless Nephew
    Timmy Turner, a reckless nephew, constantly steals money from his Uncle Crocker using magic tricks. After feeling guilty, Timmy confesses and returns the money, leading to re…
  • The Reckless Robby
    In a land far away, parents favor older children, causing younger ones to rebel. They take control but become tyrannical. A new leader emerges after they overthrow him.
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