Reconstruction Books

  • Reconstruction
    A brief overview of the Reconstruction era in the United States, including the assassination of President Lincoln, the presidency of Andrew Johnson, the struggles of African …
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Diary of a Pixelized Villager: Reconstruction
    After a long battle in Smite's village, they have had a victory. But most of the village is in debris. After the dust settles, Smite and the other villagers must rebuild year…
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  • Reconstruction
    A historical account of the events and policies during the Reconstruction era after the American Civil War.
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  • ABC's of the Civil War and Reconstruction
    This is an informative piece that uses the alphabet to discuss key events, figures, and concepts related to the American Civil War. Each letter corresponds to a different top…
  • ABC's of Reconstruction
    An alphabet book that introduces key terms and concepts related to the American Civil War and Reconstruction era.
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  • Reconstruction
    The story follows the history of Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, and the Reconstruction era, highlighting key events and their impact on African Americans.
    A summary of the Reconstruction era in the United States, including its goals, challenges, and outcomes.
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