Reforms Books

  • Julius Caesar
    A historical account of Julius Caesar's rise to power, his conquests, reforms, and eventual assassination.
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  • The Reform Party
    The story introduces the Reform Party and its goals, including leadership, job creation, energy production, education, healthcare, and environmental care.
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  • The Journey to Reform
    A young Irish girl immigrates to America in 1910, facing challenges and discovering her voice in the fight for women's rights and better working conditions.
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  • ATATURK From our students to Ataturk
    A collection of thank you messages to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Republic, expressing gratitude for his leadership and reforms.
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    The story of Louis XIV, his childhood, early reign, reforms, foreign relations, and decline.
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  • Progressive Reform Dictionary
    A list of key economic, political, and social reforms in the United States, including amendments, acts, and organizations.
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  • Romania' s Great Leaders
    This is a biography of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the first ruler of the Romanian Principalities. It covers his life, achievements, and reforms.
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  • The Industrial Revolution
    This book explores the Industrial Revolution, protests against it, and different ideologies that emerged. It also discusses child labor, factory conditions, and reforms.
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