Renovation Books

  • The story of Puf Puf 2
    Miruna and her family have various adventures, including moving to a new house, renovating it, going camping, and celebrating Miruna's birthday.
  • My school yard before and after
    A group of school students, with the help of their teachers, volunteer to renovate their school yard and make it more beautiful.
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  • Girl with the long blonde hair
    A girl named Tiffany moves into a new house and compares each aspect of it to different parts of a cell. She and her family work on renovating the house and meet their neighb…
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  • Someone behind the door
    This book is about me when i had gone to hills because they had buisnes but 1 day i found a creepy house and i tried to figure out what is going on
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  • Guayaquil Old and Moder Tourist Places
    A description of the Malecón 2000, Banco La Provisora, and Cerro Santa Ana in Guayaquil, Ecuador, before and after renovations.
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  • School №5
    A brief history of School №5, including its establishment, renovations, organizations, sports achievements, and notable graduates.
  • The White House
    The story provides a brief history of the White House, from its construction to renovations and additions over the years.
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  • Our house.
    Yay! Time to read! I don't know about you but I love a good book!
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