Reunion Books

  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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  • A New Red Silk Bow
    Pining for his dearest, and eager to have an excuse to take his new motor-car out, Charles sets out for the railway station. Elizabeth, equally longing for her beloved, is so…
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  • Best friends
    Amy and Alice become best friends on their first day of school, but Amy misses a day due to a dentist appointment. They reunite the next day and have a fun day at school.
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  • Kidnapped
    A girl gets kidnapped and taken to a tropical island and falls in love with a boy. He eventually helps her escape.
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  • The Missing Eskimo
    Mumlluq, a 6-year-old girl, goes on a trip to Alakanuk and gets lost. Her mother finds her with the help of a kind stranger. They return home safely.
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  • Sunni
    Using Bibliotherapy to address Trauma: An Illustrated Children’s Book to be implemented within Child Protection.
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  • Minion Love
    Gru's minions feel left out and leave, prompting Gru to embark on a journey to find them. He eventually gives up but is surprised when they return home.
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  • A Cat Named Boo
    Cats are fun but they can be a little sneaky sometimes.
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