Rhino Books

    A bedtime story about the animals at the zoo after the sun starts to set. The rhyme was written by an expectant father for his unborn baby daughter.
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  • Juan the Javan Rhino
    Juan, a Javan Rhinoceros, lives in Ujong Kulon National Park. He faces danger due to being endangered but has friends and organizations helping him.
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  • Rhinos
    An informational book about different species of rhinos, their habitats, diet, courtship, offspring, conservation, and the use of their horns.
  • Ryan The Rhino
    This book is about a Rhino called Ryan who finds that being different is a good thing and he also finds out who he is.
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  • Squeak and Shuffle!
    Read about an exciting day in the life of a young eastern black rhino that lives at Zoo Atlanta!
  • Rhinos Save the World
    A family of cats wreak havoc in a town, but are defeated by friendly rhinos. The story teaches the importance of determination and ends with the rhinos becoming a beloved mas…
  • The Day the Elephants Disappeared
    Tia heads to the zoo one day only to find out that the animals she wanted to see have disappeared. With the help of a new cheetah friend in Africa, she discovers some importa…
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  • N.O.A.H.
    A mysterious being arrives in Africa in order to save an rare, endangered rhinoceros.
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