Rihanna Books

  • The Biography of Rihanna
    A brief biography of Rihanna, covering her early life, career, hardships, and achievements.
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    This book provides a brief biography of Rihanna, from her childhood in Barbados to her rise to fame as a pop and R&B singer. It also mentions her business ventures and ac…
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  • The vacation
    The Dawson family goes on vacation to Barbados and learns about its history, culture, and famous singer Rihanna.
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  • Rihanna And Her Life as an Icon
    The story provides a brief biography of Rihanna, highlighting her achievements in music, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and recognition.
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  • Jakayla & Rihanna Friendship
    Two girls, Jakayla and Rihanna, meet and become friends. They support each other through personal challenges and their families come together.
    Some simple facts that you must know about BLACKPINK if you are a BLINK.
  • All About Me
    Ella, a girl from Barbados, shares her love for her family, friends, animals, and magic, and her dream of becoming a magician.
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  • Flat Stanley's Journey
    Flat Stanley goes on various adventures with different kids, including playing at the playground, getting ears pierced, going on trips, and more.
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