Riots Books

  • In the Life of Ole Miss
    The story recounts the riots that occurred at the University of Mississippi in 1962 when James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran, attempted to integrate the all-white schoo…
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  • Blood and Sand
    Sgt. Marshall, a war veteran, returns home from Iraq to find his wife in bed with another man. Haunted by the horrors of war and his personal life, he spirals into despair.
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    The story of the Stonewall Inn and the LGBTQ+ activists who fought for their rights and sparked a revolution.
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  • Stonewall Riots
    The story of the Stonewall Riots, a series of protests in 1969 that were pivotal in the LGBTQ+ rights movement.
  • WW3
    A war between the U.S. and Russia leads to chaos, riots, and destruction, but ultimately ends with a victory for the U.S. and its allies.
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  • The Ex- Service Riot
    A historical account of the Belizean soldiers' involvement in World War 1, their riot against British oppression, and Samuel Haynes' contribution to Belize's national anthem.
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  • The Cost of Greed
    Set in a medieval kingdom, the story follows King John who becomes greedy after his coronation. His increased taxes lead to poverty and riots among his people. After banishin…
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  • The Crucible
    In the town of Salem, rumors of witchcraft spread after two girls were seen dancing in the woods. The minister tries to calm the crowd, but the trials cause anger and riots.
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