Rockefeller Books

  • Industrialization during the Gilded Age
    An informative book about the Gilded Age in the United States, focusing on industrialization, monopolies, and key figures like Rockefeller and Carnegie.
  • Rockefeller and Oil
    The story of John D. Rockefeller, his rise to wealth through the oil industry, and his impact on the economy.
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  • Rockin' Rockefeller
    The story follows John Rockefeller's journey as an entrepreneur, starting his oil company and becoming one of the wealthiest people in history.
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  • Rockefeller Rocks!
    The story of John D. Rockefeller, his innovation of refined oil, and the creation of Standard Oil, leading to his success as a capitalist and monopolist.
  • John Rockefeller & The Standard Oil Co.
    The story of John D. Rockefeller, his rise to wealth through Standard Oil Company, and his philanthropy.
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  • John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil
    The story of John D. Rockefeller, his creation of the Standard Oil monopoly, and his impact on American history.
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  • John D Rockefeller
    The story of John Rockefeller, a successful businessman from the 1800s who built the Standard Oil Company and formed the first oil monopoly in America.
  • John Rockefeller With Standard Oil
    The story of John D. Rockefeller, his upbringing, his innovations in the oil industry, and the rise and fall of Standard Oil.
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