Rodeos Books

    A brief introduction to various rodeo events, including barrel racing, tie-down roping, team roping, steer wrestling, bull riding, and bronc riding.
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  • caballos
    A young boy shares his love for riding horses and bulls in Mexico and the United States, highlighting his experiences and favorite horse.
  • How I Started Rodeo
    A young girl introduces her horses and dreams of competing in the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo.
  • rodeo bulls
    A brief history of rodeos and different types of bulls, along with the popularity and dangers of the sport.
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  • Rodeo queen
    Cousins Mylie and Karli are riding in the woods. They are both Rodeo Stars, but will they ever get out of the forest?
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  • bravery to do the rodeo
    A young girl shares her experience of learning to ride a cow in the rodeo and encourages others to try it.
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  • Valentina and Ronnie Joe at the Rodeo
    Valentina, a cowgirl from Oklahoma, and her horse Ronnie Joe face a setback during a competition but learn the importance of teamwork and perseverance.
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  • Horses
    A book for horse lovers, a load of info and a book just for you to enjoy!!
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