Romance Languages Books

  • Latin
    An overview of the history and development of the Latin language, from its origins in ancient Rome to its influence on modern Romance languages.
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  • The Magic Forest
    A story with romance, adventure, and mystery! What will happen to the two main characters?
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  • evolution of english
    A brief history of the English language, from its origins to its influences and development over time.
    The story discusses the history of teaching English in Romania and Turkey, highlighting the importance of learning a second language. It also mentions innovative approaches t…
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  • The History of inglish
    A brief history of the English language, from its origins in Anglo-Saxon dialects to its influences from Scandinavian and Norman invaders.
  • The beginning of the Romanian language
    This book provides a historical overview of the Romanization of Dacia and the development of the Romanian language.
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  • All About Mimi
    This story is about a 21-year-old girl named Mimi who has autism and likes to be herself.
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  • English language
    An overview of the English language, its history, global reach, and alphabet.
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