Runaway Books

  • The Husky who ran
    The Husky who ran is about a young husky who hated his home and wanted to start a new life.......
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  • The Runaway Kitten
    A naughty kitten runs away, gets lost in the woods, and finds a loving home with a lady and her daughter.
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    When an asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, a special space defence program called The Omega Base is called to action. Will they be able to destroy the asteroid? Wh…
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  • The Runaway Apple
    Farmer Albert goes to his orchard to pick apples but one rolls away. He chases it and gets it back, but it's too late for pie. His wife saves the day with a slice of pie.
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  • Terry And The Stranger
    Terry learns a valuable lesson about talking to strangers.
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  • The Family That has Nothing
    Eve and Jay run away from their dad, and go to Canada. There, they grow up, and one day, meet the person who was the entire reason they ran away.
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  • Runaway lilac
    lilac runs away , meets new friends who help her get home and gets new family members
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  • The Runaway train
    This story is about a runaway train. Can the city catch the train before its too late? Read about it in the story.
    Eye Icon 611
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