Running Away Books

    A little old woman and man make a gingerbread man who comes to life and runs away from them, but is eventually eaten by a fox.
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    This is a story about the mystery of a Jack-o-lantern getting solved.
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  • 3 Homes, 2 Divorces & 1 Family
    Going through divorce is never easy, even if you have experienced it once before. Luckily for me, even though there are 3 homes and 2 divorces, my family loves ME very much.
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  • Running Away
    The story is a first-person narrative of a girl named Paige, who uses running as a coping mechanism for her struggles with body image, ADHD, depression, and insomnia. It chro…
  • By Cindy Mizhquiri & Lizbeth Estrada
    The story is about a young woman named Carmen who falls in love with a mariachi named Carlos, against her father's wishes. After running away together, her father realizes hi…
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  • The Day My Dog Ran Away
    A girl's dog, Chewy, runs away and is found by the police. She learns her lesson and vows to never let him out without a leash again.
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  • Star Wars
    Luke Skywalker embarks on a mission to rescue Princess Leia from the clutches of the evil Darth Vader and destroy the Death Star.
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  • Runaway lilac
    lilac runs away , meets new friends who help her get home and gets new family members
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