Sabbath Books

  • Sabbath Day of Rest
    A description of how the author's family celebrates the Sabbath, including prayer, fellowship, and visiting the elderly.
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  • Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath
    Jesus heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath, causing controversy and admiration.
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  • Kendra and the Church Mystery Part One
    Read this humorous story about a girl named Kendra who discovers an abandoned church and gets lost in the woods.
    Realistic Fiction. 8+
    An informative book about the Sabbath, its practices, and significance in Jewish culture.
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  • Shalom Shabbat!
    A description of the Jewish Sabbath and its traditions, including prayers, meals, and rest.
  • music
    A brief history of rock and metal music, including key artists and genres.
  • Jewish Beliefs
    This book is in 1st person and is based on a girl named Maya and her Jewish family
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  • My Adventist Pioneers.
    This book explores the history of the Advent movement and its pioneers, highlighting key figures and their contributions to the faith and community.
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