Sacred Objects Books

  • World Religion Project: Judaism
    The Creation Story and key information about Judaism, including its origin, spread, important leaders, structure of leadership, sacred objects, and status of the religion.
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  • World Religions Project
    The Sikhism Creation Story and its teachings, leaders, sacred objects, and beliefs are explained in a brief and informative manner.
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  • Islamic Culture
    A brief overview of Islam, including its beliefs, history, and structure of leadership.
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  • Mythical Creatures
    A group of mythical creatures search for their missing friends and find them in their home. They celebrate with a meal.
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  • ABC: Religions
    A list of terms and definitions related to various religions and beliefs.
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  • The History of Lacrosse
    A brief history of lacrosse, its cultural significance to Native Americans, and its development in American culture.
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  • Goku and The Six Religions
    Join Goku and his friends as they embark on a journey to learn about different religions, including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Judaism.
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  • Muhammad: The Story of Islam
    The story of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, from his birth in Mecca to the spread of the religion and its teachings.
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