Salsa Books

  • Macaroni & Cheese Please!
    A playful poem about a child's love for macaroni and cheese, with various food combinations suggested.
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  • By; jessica aguirre-castro & maribella van
    Dragons love tacos, but hate spicy salsa. They also love parties. Learn why dragons have a taco obsession and how to throw a dragon-friendly taco party.
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  • Salsa Fugitivo
    By Brooke and Lexi
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  • FEED 5000
    Jordyn & her friends come across children who are in need of food. Will they be kind enough to give to the hungry... or not?
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  • salsa and jamician reggae
    This story provides an overview of salsa and reggae music, including their origins, characteristics, and influences.
  • Sharkeesha and the Salsa Stealers
    Sharkeesha and Dumbo, a giraffe and an elephant, have their salsa stolen by lemurs. They confront the lemurs, who ate it all, but then they make more salsa together and becom…
  • ¡Espío con mi pequeño ojo algo AZUL!
    Un libro sobre el color azul. ¿Puedes espiar todas las imágenes azules con tu pequeño ojo? Buena suerte.
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