Sam Houston Books

    The biography of Samuel Houston, a lawyer, military leader, and governor who played a key role in the creation of Texas.
  • The Adventures Of Sam Houston
    The story of Sam Houston, a prominent historical figure in Texas and American history, from his humble beginnings to his achievements as a lawyer, congressman, senator, and p…
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  • Sam Houston
    This book provides information about the life and achievements of Sam Houston, including his marriages, military victories, political career, and relationships with Native Am…
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  • Sam Houston
    The story of Sam Houston, from his birth in Virginia to his role in the Texas Revolution and his political career.
  • The great life of Sam Houston
    The life and achievements of Sam Houston, a lawyer, military leader, and governor who played a key role in the making of Texas.
  • Texas First President SAM HOUSTON
    This biography tells the story of Samuel Houston, the first president of Texas, his role in the Texas revolution, and his political career.
  • Sam Houston A Founding Father of Texas
    The story of Sam Houston, a key figure in Texas history, from his rebellious youth to his leadership in the fight for Texas independence.
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  • The ABCs of Texas
    An alphabet book about Texas, covering various topics from history to nature. Each letter represents a different aspect of the state.
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