Saola Books

  • Enola's Journey
    Enola, a Saola living in the Annamite Mountains, faces danger from poachers but is saved by her friend Abbott.
  • Oh Saola
    A saola, also known as an Asian unicorn, shares its struggles and the efforts of WWF to protect its species.
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  • Saola's
    The Saola, also known as the Asian Unicorn, is a critically endangered herbivore. This story highlights its habitat, diet, and the need for conservation.
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  • Why should the Monarch Butterfly and Other Species be Protected Under the Endangered Species Act?
    This book explains the Endangered Species Act and highlights four species that should be protected under it: peñasco least chipmunk, saola, lesser prairie-chicken, and monarc…
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  • Rarest Animals
    A collection of short descriptions about endangered animals and the threats they face.
  • The Top 15 Endangered Species
    A list of critically endangered and extinct animals, their habitats, and reasons for their endangerment or extinction.
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  • Our endangered animals book Animals have a voice!
    A collection of short descriptions about different animals, including their appearance, habitat, and diet.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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