Satellite Launch Books

  • The Race to the Moon
    This is the true story of the race to the moon in the 1960s, told by someone who remembers the whole thing from start to finish.
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  • Exploring Mars
    In this book, we look at the complete history of missions to Mars. beginning in 1960 and continuing through the present day (June 2019). We also look at planned and possible …
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  • Space Junk
    My names Ariana But for some reason my google Account says Alexa Marrie!!! I will try to change it!!
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  • The Space Race
    A historical account of the space race between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War, highlighting key events and achievements.
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  • The International Space Station
    An informative book about the International Space Station, covering its history, purpose, and challenges. Includes photos, diagrams, and a glossary.
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  • Finn and the Orange Root
    Finn, a curious boy, learns about the healing properties of a special strain of carrot against COVID-19. With his father's help, they use microchips and parrots to distribute…
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  • The Space Race
    A historical fiction about the Space Race between the USA and USSR, highlighting their competition to reach space and the moon.
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  • Moon Landing
    The story recounts the Space Race between the US and the Soviets, focusing on the Apollo 11 mission and the first moon landing.
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