Scandinavian Books

  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • The History of inglish
    A brief history of the English language, from its origins in Anglo-Saxon dialects to its influences from Scandinavian and Norman invaders.
    An overview of the history, economic resources, and economic system of the fictional country Strarkey.
    A description of Ragnarok, the end of the world in Scandinavian mythology, and its significance.
  • Ny Varld A Scandinavian myth
    Val, a boy stripped of color, embarks on a journey to restore it. With the help of a spirit, he sacrifices his eye and confronts his father to bring back color and reunite wi…
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  • Greek Mythology
    The story of Pandora, the first human woman created by the gods, and the consequences of her curiosity. Also includes information about the Kraken, a sea monster in Scandinav…
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  • Countries
    A collection of short descriptions about different countries, including their geography, history, and culture.
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  • The Viking Journey
    The story of the Vikings, their travels, battles, and settlements in Europe and England.
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