School Office Books

  • Amy Kwak, not Quack
    Amy Kwak is our hero. She goes to a new school and on her first day her teacher calls her, "Quack." She gets very annoyed and everyone makes fun of her! What will she do? Rea…
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  • Our First Story Book of Animals 我们的第一本动物故事书 by Dr. Foster
    This is a book for young children and for Mandarin learners. Join Barrack as he considers, with the help of a friend, what kind of animal he wants for a pet.
    by ge23
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  • Learning About Autism Through Kids
    This short story is about a little boy befriending a classmate with Autism. This books encourages kindness, acceptance and awareness.
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  • Patrol Disaster
    Life may have its ups and downs, but we can always choose to feel grateful and blessed.
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  • Cappie, the Salty Dog
    This is a non-fiction fourth grade level book about our rescued Chocolate Lab, Cappie. It encompasses only her first year. Due to limits in pages this is a shortened version …
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  • Animal Cell Compared To Everyday Things?
    An informative book about the different parts of a cell, their functions, and analogies to help understand them.
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  • A is for Allen Brook
    This is an informative book about Allen Brook School in Williston, Vermont. It covers various aspects of the school including its rules, facilities, staff, and activities. Th…
  • U is for Uniform
    What is Kindergarten going to be like? What will I do there? What will my teacher look like? Where will I eat? What will I wear? The answers to these questions and many…
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