Scientific Revolution Books

  • Inventions in the scientific revolution
    A brief overview of important scientific inventions and theories, including the telescope, barometer, bifocal glasses, compass, compound microscope, reflecting telescope, and…
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  • The Scientific Revolution
    A brief overview of the Scientific Revolution, its key figures, inventions, and impact on science.
  • Galileo Galilei
    The story discusses the Scientific Revolution and Galileo's contributions to astronomy, including his impact on the heliocentric model.
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  • The Scientific Revolution
    A mother and daughter go on a walk, and the daughter's questions lead to an explanation of The Scientific Revolution and its impact.
  • The Scientific Revolution
    A brief overview of the Scientific Revolution and the contributions of 9 scientists, with explanations of their discoveries in a child-friendly manner.
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  • Solar System and Exploration Discoveries
    A comprehensive and engaging exploration of the solar system, scientific revolution, and modern space exploration.
  • The Scientific Revolution
    Timmy time travels to the Scientific Revolution, meets famous scientists, and learns about their discoveries.
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  • The Scientific Revolution
    A young man learns about the Scientific Revolution from his father, discussing its start, causes, important events, and impact on the world.
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