Scrapbooking Books

  • Penelope's Scrap Book
    Penelope, a preschooler, learns to count through scrapbooking. Each page has a picture and a description of the corresponding number.
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  • An interview with the local artist
    An interview with Iwona Cepak, a scrapbooking artist from Lodz, Poland, discussing her work, inspiration, and workshops.
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  • Ms. Fink's Swim through Reading
    Ms. Fink, a passionate reader, becomes an English teacher and shares her love for books with her students.
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    A family's journey through the Great Depression, facing challenges and finding hope in government assistance.
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  • Petal Days
    Blossom and Bloom, two best friends, explore spring through scrapbooking and outdoor adventures, discovering new flowers and enjoying each other's company in Bloom's backyard.
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  • Goodbye Michigan, Hello Ohio!
    Kara, a young girl from Kalamazoo, Michigan, is moving to Cincinnati, Ohio. She struggles with packing and saying goodbye to her friends, but with the help of her brother Col…
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  • Digital Story
    The author shares their favorite childhood books, favorite authors, how they encourage children to read, and their personal reading profile.
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  • Infection Protection
    A giraffe named George catches a cold from his friend Grace, and his mother Gina learns about the virus and how their bodies protect against it.
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