Seahorse Books

  • The Fish and the Seahorse
    For all the people who were ever victims of discrimination, racism, and slavery.
    Eye Icon 10218
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  • What Are The Chances?
    Edward, a red seahorse, and his crab friends, Evan and Elaine, go on an adventure to make new friends and learn about probability.
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  • The Golden Seahorse
    Blueberry and Strawberry are best friends. One day they find a tunnel, but what will be inside of it?
    Eye Icon 388
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  • Seahorse and Starfish
    Promotes language through discussions about acceptance,compassion and friendship. Hopefully children will draw connections between story events and personal experiences. Aski…
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    I hope you like my book. Let's accept others even if we are different colors.
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  • The red seahorse
    Edward, Evan, and Elaine, three seahorse friends, go on an adventure to shallow waters, encountering new friends and overcoming their fears.
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  • The Magic Flute
    Ally, a lonely seahorse, discovers a magic flute and makes a wish to alleviate the loneliness of other seahorses. Her wish comes true, and they all live happily ever after.
    Eye Icon 1099
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  • Skipper the Seahorse
    A friendly seahorse discovers the king who he thought was a good king is actually not a good person.
    Eye Icon 74
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