Self-defense Books

  • Dinosaur Facts
    An informative book about dinosaurs, covering their definition, habitats, diets, and self-defense mechanisms.
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  • SuperDojo Noah Zdziech
    Noah and his karate teammates, guided by their Masters, work hard to become champions. Noah's dedication and growth in karate are highlighted.
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  • Cyber Bullying Prevention
    A list of tips and advice on how to deal with cyberbullying, including ignoring the bully, raising awareness, protecting passwords, and more.
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  • When I Popped my Cousin in the Head
    A boy visits his cousin's house and they play outside, but end up fighting. The boy defends himself by hitting his cousin in the head.
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  • Cobra Kai
    A summary of the show Cobra Kai, a new version of The Karate Kid movie, and the conflict between two karate teams: Cobra Kai and Miagi-Do Karate.
  • Porcupines
    A brief introduction to porcupines, their habitats, diet, size, and self-defense mechanism.
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  • Why me?
    A guide to understanding and preventing cyberbullying, with tips on protecting passwords, posting responsibly, and responding to bullies.
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  • History of fighting and MMA
    An informative book about the history of various martial arts, including MMA, karate, taekwondo, jiu-jitsu, judo, and kung-fu.
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