Self-understanding Books

  • Which of the philosophy of the self relates to your own belief and explain how each view impact your self-understanding? What is
    The story explores the importance of personal philosophy and self-understanding in finding happiness and fulfillment.
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  • Boss Kant
    Join Boss Kant's search in attempting to find his own philosophy of the self.

    Whose philosophy do I relate to with my own belief?
    What is my own …
  • Philosophy of the Self
    The narrator explores the ideas of John Locke and Immanuel Kant on self-understanding, reflecting on their impact and sharing their own philosophy of self.
  • Journey towards Self Discovery
    Daniel goes for a walk and meets his classmate Kathryn. He then sees a crowd gathered around a portrait of Socrates, learns about his philosophy, and reflects on his own beli…
  • Me-losophy
    This book explains the philosophy of the self that impact my self-understanding and self-awareness. The last part tackles about my self-made philosophy that influences my eve…
  • &n
    A girl named Ana discovers that puzzles are the key to understanding oneself and finding purpose. The story explores different philosophies of self-understanding.
  • Sky of Philosophy
    An introduction to philosophy, discussing different philosophers' views on the self and the author's own beliefs.
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  • The Meaning of Life
    A student ponders the meaning of life and self-discovery during a Philosophy class, leading to personal reflections and a desire for self-improvement.
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