Seminole Books

  • Trail of Tears
    A Seminole father recounts the history of his tribe, including their escape from Spanish conquistadors, conflicts with Andrew Jackson, and the Trail of Tears.
  • Seminole Life.
    The story provides a brief history of the Seminole tribe, including their conflicts with the U.S. government and their resilience.
  • How the U.S gained Florida
    The story of how Florida was acquired by the United States, involving conflicts with Spain, Native Americans, and runaway slaves.
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  • Golden Years
    This book provides information about the Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Seminole tribes, including their government, lifestyle, and culture.
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  • James P. Beckwourth
    The story of James P. Beckwourth, a former slave who became a fur trader, explorer, and scout in the 19th century.
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  • How Florida Came to Be U.S.
    A historical account of Andrew Jackson's invasion of Florida and its consequences for the Seminole Indians and the United States.
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  • Story of the United States 4.07
    A brief overview of pioneer settlers, Florida becoming a state, the American Civil War, and Reconstruction.
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  • Finding the fountain of youth
    Juan Ponce De Leon, a Spanish explorer, sets out to find the fountain of youth in Florida. He encounters conflict with the Seminoles and tries to change their way of life.
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