Shampoo Books

  • Trash Mountain
    A fun poem that teaches kids to think about over-consumption and recycling.
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  • Felix and the fleas
    Felix, a cat with fleas, goes to the vet and uses bug b gone shampoo to get rid of them. He feels better and shares the news with his friends.
  • Anna and Vannesa has lice
    Anna and Vanessa discover they have lice and use Bug B-gone shampoo to get rid of them. They become friends with their classmates after the lice are gone.
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  • The 5 Stars Book 1
    This book has 5 girls trying to protect the world from evil. Help them use their stars to protect our planet. In this book the villain is SHAMPOO. Old shampoo bottle. ENJOY!
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  • Dog breeds
    This is an informative book about different breeds of dogs, providing details about their height, lifespan, color, and other interesting facts. It also includes a matching ga…
  • how to make slime's
    Hello, I am the author of this book please be sure to comment and give a like if you would like for me to share this with you be sure to leave a comment below and please buy …
    A group of students write a book to help their community reduce waste and promote sustainability in various ways.
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  • yellow hat to the rescue
    I have been telling Banana Nana stories for 2 years to my kids. The are good fun and the responded really well to Banana Nana
    by Cors
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