Shyness Books

  • Impossible is Possible
    Isabella, a shy girl with few friends, overcomes her shyness and joins a dance club with the help of her counselor and a new friend, Julia.
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    After his parents die in a car accident, Manny goes to live with his grandparents. Sad and confused, Manny barely says a word for the first little while. Hoping to cheer his …
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  • By Khadija Kennedy
    A shy girl overcomes her fears and discovers the joy of community and friendship at a block party.
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  • A Lesson to Remember
    A Lesson to Remember talks about a girl, named Samantha, who is very shy, When two girls, Mackena and Mackenzie go to her and they boss her around, Samantha only wanted to go…
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  • Who is it?
    I hope u enjoy reading my book! if you found it to short, or want to read more, quick note: just saying when you have finished reading this one, there is also a second book f…
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  • Gwen & the Friendship Bracelets
    Gwen, a shy second grader, struggles to make friends but is surprised when Leslie reaches out and offers her a bracelet, leading to a newfound friendship.
  • The Princess and Her Voice
    Princess Elle, who is very shy and doesn't speak, finds her voice when she catches a thief stealing her crown.
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  • Mikey the Monkey
    Mikey, a shy monkey, struggles to make friends at summer camp. With the help of his counselor, he overcomes his shyness and makes new friends.
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