Skateboards Books

  • Our Adventures in Math
    A child recounts various events involving friends, skateboards, family, and outings.
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  • Halloween Poems
    A collection of Halloween-themed poems written by different authors, ranging from spooky to humorous.
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    A skateboarder named Cash Wells provides information on different skateboarding styles, where to shop for skateboards, the parts of a skateboard, different stances, and favor…
  • Zazou and The Robot Make Pancakes
    A silly boy named Zazou, is surprised on his birthday when he finds a robot and brings it to school to make pancakes for the whole class.
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  • Three Boys Squad Skateboard Tournament T.B.S
    Three boys do amazing things! They go to school, play sports, solve mysteries and more...! In this story they will be joining a skateboard tournament and going for gold! Read…
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  • Diary of a Skateboard
    Good Grip, a skateboard, shares his adventures with his rider Jainam and his friend Handle Bars. They go to the skatepark, learn new tricks, and create memories together.
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  • scooter world
    A young scooter enthusiast shares their love for scooters, different brands, tricks, and why they prefer scooters over skateboards or roller blades.
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  • You Be Yu
    To all the mixed race babies still trying to find their place in the world.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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