Skipping Books

  • Cleopatra and the Magic Flute
    Cleopatra finds a magic flute that whisks her to the land of fairy tales! She has to get home soon or she might run out of time.
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  • Playground Fun!
    Jackson enjoys his time at the playground, swinging, jumping in puddles, playing with a dog, and sliding. He walks home but decides to skip instead.
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    A collection of traditional children's games with instructions and vocabulary. Includes skipping, clapping, dancing, and tag games.
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  • Math For Kindergarteners
    A comprehensive guide to basic math skills, including addition, subtraction, counting coins, and understanding dollar bills.
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  • Krishan Wants All A's
    This book is for all the young scholars that want to get all A's but have trouble find a quiet space. The book shows that family can work to help a scholar study in quiet. Wh…
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  • Lily and her Shoe
    Hi, I am Arna. I am 5 year old and graduated recently from Pre-K. I love writing stories. Hope you enjoy my books. :)
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    Antok, a rebellious student, struggles with understanding the material and skipping lessons. His classmate, Susik, helps him improve his grades and offers support. They study…
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  • Jamie's New Wheelchair
    Jamie returns to school in a wheelchair after being sick. He worries about fitting in but his friends include him and he realizes he is unique.
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