Slang Books

  • Social Media Dictionary
    A collection of definitions for popular internet slang and abbreviations.
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  • A Short Story on Communication Using Slang
    Henry asks his dad for Cheez-Its, but his dad rejects the request. This leads to a misunderstanding between Henry and his friend Jordan, but they resolve it and become closer…
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    Mr.Singh is an immigrant from India who strikes up a friendship with a kid named Alex and his friends. As his friends start getting older, they begin to act disrespectful tow…
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  • Life at Home and Effects of the Civil War
    A collection of short passages about various aspects of the Civil War, including inflation, Confederate currency, Red Cross, slang, fashion, desertion, taxes, North Carolina'…
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  • Story of Turkish Quandale Dingle
    Mike, a boy with negative rizz (charisma), is bullied but finds friendship and confidence in a group. They throw a TikTok Rizz Party, which goes viral, leading to both popula…
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    Rob Calabria is the owner of a successful construction business called Forza Construction. One day he is forced to fire an employee for stealing. Problem solved? Nope. It’s j…
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  • The MODERN Vocabulary
    This book explores common spelling mistakes and their meanings, providing examples to help readers understand.
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  • Mary the Lamb and Santa's Lost Sack
    On Christmas Eve, Mary helps Santa's top man, Tip, find a lost sack of toys. With the help of Matilda the good witch, they save Christmas for the village children.
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