Smallpox Books

  • Health and Disease during the age of exploration
    This book explores the impact of diseases during the age of exploration, including smallpox, whooping cough, and chickenpox.
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  • The battle of Eternity
    A village overcomes a smallpox curse with the help of a divine intervention and creates a vaccine-sword, becoming a symbol of victory and resilience.
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  • All About Smallpox
    Lucy learns about Small Pox and its symptoms, transmission, cure, and history during a visit to the doctor.
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  • Pizzaro & the Incas
    The story follows Francisco Pizarro and his conquest of the Inca Empire, including his encounter with Atahualpa and the devastating impact of smallpox.
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  • All About Edward Jenner
    The story of Edward Jenner, a famous physician and scientist who discovered the first vaccine and helped change the medical field.
  • Ocean and the voices
    This book is about a 3rd grader who has just moved to California. She's scared to start her new school and doesn't really like her house. But as she stays in the house she s…
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  • Ring and Herd Immunity
    This book provides information about ring and herd vaccination strategies, their effectiveness against diseases like smallpox and polio, and the risks and adverse effects of …
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  • Jimmy and his fight against smallpoxs
    Jimmy develops a rash that turns out to be smallpox. He receives treatment and learns about prevention.
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