Social Commentator Books

    Biography of Charles Dickens, a British novelist and social commentator known for his classic novels such as Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two Cities.
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  • Charles Dickens
    This book provides an introduction to the life and literary success of Charles Dickens, highlighting his impact on social change and his unique writing style.
  • superman
    The story provides information about the character Superman, his origins, appearance, abilities, and impact on popular culture.
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  • The Internet
    This book explores the creation, history, and transformation of the Internet, highlighting its impact on various aspects of society.
  • ABC's of
    A collection of short biographies of famous British and American writers, poets, and playwrights.
  • Java Flac proves itself in Electric racing
    Java Flac's journey from failure in Formula E to an undefeated season showcases resilience and innovation, highlighting their mastery in electric racing with the QuantumFlow …
  • One Last Chance
    Spencer, a football player, makes a game-winning catch and gets scouted by LSU. He faces personal challenges but ultimately succeeds in his football career.
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    Mrs. Bilgi teaches a lesson on Global English and the spread of English around the world, using various models and explanations. Students learn about the importance and advan…
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