Social-emotional Learning Books

  • What Does a Family Look Like?
    This Social Emotional story book written by an early childhood Special Education teacher shows readers the various different ways that families might look. Aligning with many…
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    Follow Lily's journey as she grows and reaches various developmental milestones in language, cognitive, and social-emotional skills.
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  • Avery's Anxiety
    A social story about a girl named Avery who has anxiety and learns coping strategies to calm herself down.
  • Considerations for Choosing Children's Books
    This text provides guidelines for selecting and using children's literature in an educational setting, emphasizing diversity, developmentally appropriate content, cross-curri…
  • school violence
    This book provides information about bullying, including its definition, types, and effects. It also offers advice on how to deal with bullies.
  • EDUC 150 Course Reflection
    Peyton Bergevin shares their aspirations to become an elementary educator and a youth basketball coach, highlighting the importance of personal and social identities, mental …
  • Passport to Teach Worldly English Learners
    A guide for teachers of English Language Learners, covering topics such as understanding language theory, engaging young readers, creating a welcoming classroom, breaking bar…
  • Technology Integration in Health and PE
    This book discusses various ways technology can support physical education and health education, including monitoring devices, exercise equipment, instructional videos, and o…
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