Socrates Books

  • Understanding the Self in Various Perspective By Justin Abegail Gayapa
    The story explores the philosophical perspectives of Socrates, Plato, and John Locke on self-awareness, the soul, and consciousness.
  • The Three Sieves of Socrates
    Socrates teaches a man about the importance of truth, goodness, and necessity in storytelling.
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  • INDIA : Past and Present
    Jack and Annie travel to India in their magic tree house, where they explore the Taj Mahal, learn about Hinduism, meet Mahatma Gandhi, and return home with new knowledge and …
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  • Socrates the Elephant
    An elephant named Socrates questions a tribe of monkeys, leading to his banishment to the moon by a genie.
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  • Philosophy of Self
    The author discusses the concept of philosophy and shares their personal philosophy of self, drawing inspiration from philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, St. Augustine, and…
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  • Greek Philosophers: Socrates
    The story of Socrates, a Greek philosopher who questioned the world and taught famous philosophers like Plato and Aristotle.
    A brief exploration of the philosophies of Socrates, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant on the concept of self and its importance in life.
  • Understanding of the Self in Various Perspectives
    The story explores the question of self-identity and the nature of happiness through the perspectives of philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
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