Soil Pollution Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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    The story provides information about different types of resources, their uses, problems, and possible solutions.
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  • Saving our Earth: An A to Z Guide
    An informative book that takes readers through an A-Z guide of environmental issues, from Air Pollution to Zoos. Each letter represents a different topic, providing facts and…
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  • What is soil pollution?
    A soil dog from a farmer's family investigates the causes of soil pollution and suggests ways to prevent it.
  • How does human behavior contribute to air, water, soil and noise pollution?
    How do we as humans contribute to pollution? How can we help reduce our pollution?
  • .
    This story discusses various topics related to water and soil pollution, including factors causing pollution, such as plastic, waste oils, detergents, organic liquids, heavy …
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  • STEM and Environment
    The story discusses various environmental issues such as global warming, water pollution, endangered animals, air pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, noise pollution,…
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  • What do You See in My Mama's Garden?
    My family's dream was to have a pollinator garden that pollinators would come to world-wide.

    The county government killed my parents' dreams of helping to take car…
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