Soldier Books

  • Christian Soldier Puts On Armor
    A rhyming poem that encourages children to be strong Christian soldiers and put on the armor of God.
  • William H. Price Jr. Citizen Soldier
    This is a detailed account of William H. Price Jr.'s life, from his childhood in rural Mississippi during the 1930s to his service in the State Guard during World War II and …
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  • Prot and Krot
    A soldier encounters two old men, embarks on a journey with them, and eventually saves a kingdom from a demon.
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  • The Buffalo Soldiers
    The story of the Buffalo Soldiers, African American regiments formed after the Civil War, their struggles with racism and discrimination, and their perseverance and impact.
  • Why am I not happy?
    A little tiger who finds out what true happiness is about.
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  • The Brave Soldier
    Ahmad, a brave soldier, is tasked with rescuing the kidnapped Prime Minister from a high-security prison.
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  • Magic Clover
    Can a dinosaur trust a magic clover? Read and find out...
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  • soldiers heart
    A young boy named Charley lies about his age to join the army during the Civil War. He experiences the realities of war and its toll on him.
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