Soups Books

  • Vegetable Soup A to Z
    A rhyming alphabet book that introduces various vegetables and their characteristics, ending with a silly soup recipe.
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  • Stone Soup
    Two friends make stone soup with the help of the villagers. They teach a man how to make it too.
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    An easy to read young children's storybook about embracing two different Asian cultures (Korean and Taiwanese). Bilingual English, Korean and Mandarin. Introduces different A…
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  • There's an Ant in My Soup!
    An funny way to learn about bugs, food, and the alphabet! Some poor unfortunate person is at a restaurant ordering food after food, finding a different insect that correspon…
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  • Stone soup
    A weary traveler makes stone soup with the help of a mean old woman, who ends up enjoying the delicious meal.
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  • The Story of Friendship Soup
    Ellie learns how to make Friendship Soup with the help of the Friendship Fairy, discovering the importance of sharing, kindness, and respect in friendships.
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  • Max Tells a Lie
    Max, a boy who loves soup, disobeys his mother and has to clean his messy room. He later apologizes and promises to be honest.
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  • Nox, Lumos, and the Bowl of Soup.
    A book for my Communications 101 class. A book to help teach children about empathy and understanding of different cultures.
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