Space Race Books

  • the space race
    Isaiah, a famous racer, competes in a space race on the moon. He faces obstacles, survives a crash, and wins the race.
  • The Space Race
    A historical account of the space race between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War, highlighting key events and achievements.
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  • The Space Race
    A historical fiction about the Space Race between the USA and USSR, highlighting their competition to reach space and the moon.
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  • The Space Race: Race to the Moon
    A historical account of the space race between the United States and Russia, highlighting their achievements and determination to be the most advanced in space exploration.
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  • Shelby Jacobs: African-American Aerospace Engineer
    The biography of Shelby Jacobs, an African-American aerospace engineer who overcame discrimination to make significant contributions to the space industry.
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  • The Space Race
    Isaiah, a famous racer, competes in a space race on the moon. He faces obstacles, survives a crash, and becomes a hero.
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  • The Outer Space Race
    In a space race, a dog named Jackson competes against a rocket ship. Despite initial setbacks, Jackson saves the rocket ship and they finish the race in a tie, becoming best …
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    In a playful race to space, Grace narrates the competition between the U.S. and USSR, using a soccer ball to symbolize their rivalry and the quest for fame.
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