Spanish Conquistadors Books

  • Trail of Tears
    A Seminole father recounts the history of his tribe, including their escape from Spanish conquistadors, conflicts with Andrew Jackson, and the Trail of Tears.
  • The Search For Emeralds
    The story explores the history of emeralds in South America, from their discovery by the Spanish conquistadors to their sinking in a shipwreck and subsequent rediscovery by t…
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  • The legend of El Dorado
    The legend of El Dorado and the discovery of gold in Colombia by the Spanish conquistadors.
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  • Mexico
    A brief overview of Mexico, including its location, history, language, food, weather, holidays, and culture.
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    Phineas, the new Incan Emperor, recounts the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, their attack on the Inca Empire, and the subsequent defeat and disease that befell his peop…
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  • The fall of the Incas
    A young Inca noble recounts his experiences overseeing construction, agriculture, sacrifices, and encounters with Spanish conquistadors.
  • All about Hernán Cortés
    A book about one of the most famous and successful conquistadors of the Age of Discovery, Hernán Cortés.
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    I love all sorts of History, so, why not write a book about it. All of these facts are true.
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