Spanish Extremadura Books

  • The God of Wine in Portugal
    The story provides information about Luso, the alleged son or companion of Bacchus, and the Roman mythology associated with Portugal and Spanish Extremadura.
  • DeSto Sails to a New World
    The story of Spanish explorer DeSoto and his expeditions in the New World, including his search for gold and crossing of the Mississippi River.
  • Cultures and traditions of Spain
    An informational text about Spain, including its geography, language, food, customs, festivals, and superstitions.
  • The Extraordinary Journey of
    The story follows the journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, a Spanish explorer, and his crew as they navigate through Florida and Mexico, facing hardships and enslavement.
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  • What makes us special A book about Firgas, Gran Canaria, Spain.
    Firgas is a small village in Gran Canaria known for its stunning views and sparkling bottled water. It has important buildings, monuments, and museums, as well as shops and n…
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