Spoiled Prince Books

    There was once was a spoiled Prince. He was selfish and mean to everyone around him. One fateful day everything changes and the Prince finds himself with the same villagers t…
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  • The Little Prince
    Not being spoiled and doing your duties especially when no one is around.
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  • The Princess Competition
    Lily, a poor girl from a small village enters a Princess Competition that is filled to the rim with prissy, and spoiled princesses, does Lily have what it takes to win?
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  • Peter the Prince and John the Mentor
    The story is about a spoiled prince named Peter who learns valuable lessons about kindness, respect, and friendship from his mentor John. Through various stories, John teache…
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  • The Truth About Cinderella
    The true story of Cinderella, told from the perspective of her step-sisters, who claim she was selfish and manipulative.
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  • My Happily Ever After
    The Sea Witch, determined to become the ruler of the ocean, manipulates Ariel into making a deal with her. However, Ariel's determination and love for Prince Eric prove to be…
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  • The Awful Dragon Prince
    A spoiled prince is turned into a dragon by a witch after being rude to her. He is awakened 100 years later by a brave girl and learns kindness.
  • Camille's Story
    Camille, a kind and talented girl, lives with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters on Madivi island. She dreams of surfing like Prince Adam. A magical mermaid helps her atten…
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