Sputnik Books

    During the Cold War, the Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik into space shocked the USA and led President Eisenhower to create a new government department for high-technology wo…
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  • The Space Race: Race to the Moon
    A historical account of the space race between the United States and Russia, highlighting their achievements and determination to be the most advanced in space exploration.
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  • The Race to the Moon
    This is the true story of the race to the moon in the 1960s, told by someone who remembers the whole thing from start to finish.
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  • sputnik the space dog
    Sputnik the space dog wakes up after being stranded on Jupiter's moon Titan and must escape before humans blow up the moon in just 5 days. He faces various challenges, includ…
  • The Little Satellite's Big Journey
    Sputnik, the first object launched into space, embarks on a historic journey, inspiring advancements in space technology and human space travel.
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  • Neil Armstrong
    The biography of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, his achievements, personal life, and impact on space exploration.
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  • cool spacecrafts
    A list of space missions and events, including Apollo 11, Sputnik 2, and the ISS.
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  • The Space Race
    A historical fiction about the Space Race between the USA and USSR, highlighting their competition to reach space and the moon.
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