Squidward Books

  • Spongebob Squarepants
    This is just a fun SpongeBob Squarepants book describing a few characters from spongebob squarepants
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  • Spongebob Eats Right
    Squidward teaches Spongebob about the importance of healthy eating and exercise.
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  • The Sponge Bob book
    A brief introduction to the characters and setting of Spongebob Squarepants, with some details about their jobs and personalities.
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  • Squidward's Party
    Spongebob and Patrick go on a diet to attend Squidward's party, but learn about the importance of fats and healthy eating from Sandy. Larry advises them to focus on healthy l…
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  • Squidward Goes to Squidville!
    Squidward moves to Squidville for a fresh start but realizes that true happiness comes from friendship and diversity, not just fitting in with similar others.
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  • A Strange Day in Bikini Bottom
    Spongebob and his friends in Bikini Bottom face a crisis when all the Krabby Patties disappear. They discover that Plankton stole them, but with Squidward's idea, they get th…
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  • Because of Green
    The story celebrates the color green and its significance in nature, culture, and everyday life.
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  • The Adventure of Spongebob and Patrick
    I had to make this book for a project in my school of the three laws of Newton. This book is an adventure that Spongebob and Patrick take to find the three laws of Newton. No…
    Eye Icon 1583
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