State Verbs Books

  • Verbs
    This informative book explains what a verb is, the three main types of verbs (action, linking, and helping), and provides examples. It also includes interactive exercises for…
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  • GRAMMAR of the UNITS
    This story is a review of various grammar topics including tenses, question forms, state verbs, dynamic verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and more.
  • Matilde And Her Kangaroo
    A girl named Matilde Zapeta introduces herself, talks about her kangaroo named Rayito, and their adventures in Guatemala and Iceland.
  • Verbs
    An informative book that explains what a verb is and provides examples of different types of verbs.
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  • Auto Racing
    Bugatti, a fast and powerful car, goes on adventures with his friends in different countries. The story ends with Bugatti returning home.
  • Monday Morning Reflective Journal
    The narrator journals about taking their dog for jogs and walks on a bike trail during quarantine, describing the scenery and Sonny's reactions to it.
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  • Science in Motion
    The story explains the process of science through a personal experience of the author, who investigates why their heart rate dropped. They use observation, questioning, resea…
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    The story introduces vocabulary words and grammar rules related to greetings, objects, jobs, and the present simple tense.
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